Figured Redwood

There’s a wood dealer up here in Sonoma County, Harold Seward, who has a nose for gorgeous wood. I’ve gotten a lot of great stock from him over the years. This piece of highly figured redwood came my way earlier this year, and I managed to use my nifty EasyCore widget to turn the chunk into 3 nesting bowls. I turned the smallest one back in early July when the wood was still wet. This one is the middle bowl, about 9-1/2″ across. The big one is just over a foot wide, and deeper in proportion than this one. I haven’t turned that one yet. I’m saving it…

I don’t normally shoot pictures of the bowls at the gallery, since the light is challenging there. My apologies for the depth-of field issues. I made a few of these little black stands for myself and for the gallery’s ceramic artists to use. Today I sold two of them! I do sort of wish I had sold the bowl instead, but a sale is a sale…

This bowl looks different from every angle, offering tight curl or dense, tiny birdseye depending on which way you turn it.

Here’s a closer look at the birdseye, which in redwood tends to run in little clusters.

A nice size for salad for two…